Ten Car Battery Presentation at Calgary Mini Maker Faire

I did a presentation at Calgary Mini Maker Faire using 10 car batteries to cover some points:

  • Which one hurts more, AC or DC?
  • Can we weld with car batteries?
  • Which one kills, current or voltage?

What the video to understand:

Well, the results are pretty clear, in my opinion maybe:

It is quite obvious that AC hurts much more than DC, again the reason being the capacitive property of the body. The impedance of a capacitor has a reverse relationship with frequency, meaning that it drops as the frequency increases. That is up to a certain point though as there are other properties like inductance. But for a capacitor, a higher frequency means a smaller impedance, and therefore a much higher current flow which hurts and damages the tissues easier.

Edison fought against Tesla and tried very hard to convince people against AC to sell his DC system. I’ve heard he killed many dogs to prove AC is more dangerous and everyone should use the safer DC electricity. But he lost the fight, mainly due to power transmission problems. It is not possible to transmit DC over long distances without the loss of much power, through conversions to high voltage and back. It is not possible to change DC level without first converting it to AC and every conversion means loss of power. But such problem doesn’t exist as much for AC because it is much easier to convert through transformers.

I showed that 120VDC can be touched. It can tickle or hurt a bit but definitely not as bad as AC. It also depends on where on the body you touch as different spots on human body show different resistances. The surface area of the contact matters a lot too. Putting that voltage on tong would be extremely painful and may permanently damage tong, considering a 9V on the tong already hurts very badly!

And again as I have always mentioned, it is voltage and current hand in hand that kill.

  • They are dependent and there is no current without voltage.
  • Voltage is the energy needed to move electrons and create current
  • 3 things contribute to death from electricity
    • high enough voltage to create high current
    • The frequency of the electricity (DC versus AC)
    • The duration of high voltage being present
  • You cannot have a high voltage source with limited current across the body. Say for 10kV you will have about 100mA through body because the body resistance is around 100kOhm. Because V = R x I.
  • The reason electrostatic discharge that is at high voltages such as 10kV doesn’t kill is because the pulse duration is very limited to 1 micro second or smaller. Other wise it creates the same lethal 100mA level.
  • The reason birds sitting on 100kV power lines don’t die is because they are sitting on one line only, and the voltage across their body is zero. If they could sit on two wires they would fry right away. And that’s one of the reasons they separate the power lines so far, so that it is not possible for birds to short them.

And welding of course, can be done much better at higher voltage. The current capacity of the source is not necessarily enough for welding as low voltage causes problems because:

  • The heat generated for welding is the electrical power that is lost over resistance. But which resistance?
  • The arc created between the electrode and the metal is the resistor you need
  • Power is equal to current times voltage. So if the resistance is zero due to shorting the metal and electrode, then no matter how much current you have, the power will be zero and there will be no welding.
  • At higher voltage it is possible to create a longer ark, which means a higher resistance which creates more heat and welding is done easier.
  • Too much of a voltage can cause too much power though, which will probably make a mess of the welding!

8 thoughts on “Ten Car Battery Presentation at Calgary Mini Maker Faire

  1. Dear Sir
    On behalf of my curiosity I would like to ask that can you please explain how dose a single phase electrical meter works. Why it is that torque produced in the disc is proportional to electrical power to be measured.Is that some thing to do with the formula for forces between two current carrying .

  2. Hi I really like your video’s and I’m learning more about electronics from them and getting inspired.

    At the moment I’m working on a battery powered soldering iron as one of my first projects as I don’t have many tools I thought I would make one.

    I’m sort of stumbling through it but I think its going ok. Its fun to try anyhow. Hopefully I wont burn myself as much as you. If you have any advice on how to calculate the resistances and currents on heating up wires like nichrome wire that I will be using to heat my soldering element that would be greatly appreciated. But I understand you are busy 🙂

    Your website does need some work and I am a web developer so if you ever want a hand with anything I’d be glad to help there.

  3. Actually the brids do not sit on the phases for the big lines, they sit sometimes on neutral but mostly on the lightning rods. The lines usually have quite some hundreds of kV AC and the electrical field mans that already between their legs there is such a big potential that sitting there would hurt or even kill. They feel it. When they are neutral potential and would touch the potential will try to get into an equilibrium and current flows. much current. Have a look at youtube videos where they fly with a helicopter near a live line and then touch it with a pole, loo at the giant arcs. Same happens to birds, more or less. Do a google image search. You will find birds on lower kV lines, but on higher never on the phases; well you find quite some images with fried birds on phases…

  4. Great presentation! I like your videos. I had never considered body capacitance when subjected to AC versus DC voltages. Makes perfect sense. In one of your videos I saw what appeared to be a red log-periodic antenna inside what might have been an anechoic chamber. Is that your day job?

    Some safety concerns: You definitely need some eye protection demoing the welding. Also there could be hydrogen build up around those batteries and if a battery explodes it can be pretty dangerous. I had a couple batteries explode under me while driving a golf cart. Thankfully just my legs got burned from the acid.

    • Thanks for the safety tips. Yes there was an antenna. It is just part of the job to test the products I design, thankfully! Because I hate testing!

  5. you need a better looking website. I’m not a web design person so I can not help unfortunately

  6. I stumbled upon your site today. I have to say that this is quite an interesting presentation but appears dangerous to me. I almost wanted to caution you about it and then I found your youtube channel intro video, coil gun, esd video and … Now, all I want to say is that keep up the good work. I thoroughly enjoy them. Thank you.

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