ElectroBOOM101 Series

Here you will find links to ElectroBOOM educational series on Electronics.

A bunch of videos here are “unlisted” to prevent SPAMing the main channel, but you can watch them if you are interested in follow up videos like solving problems, answering questions, corrections and such and expand your understanding on my unlimited knowledge of void!

  1. ElectroBOOM101 – 001: The Birth of Electron, a Story of Creation

  2. ElectroBOOM101 – 002: Definition of Voltage and Current

    1. ElectroBOOM101 – 002 – 01: The Case of the Charged Comb

  3. ElectroBOOM101 – 003: What’s AC and DC

  4. ElectroBOOM101 – 004: Speed of Electron – What’s a Resistor

  5. ElectroBOOM101 – 005: What’s a Circuit, Series and Parallel

  6. ElectroBOOM101 – 006: How CAPACITORS Work

  7. ElectroBOOM101 – 007: Magic of Magnetism & Inductors

  8. ElectroBOOM101 – 008: LUMPED MODEL, Kirchhoff Circuit Laws

  9. ElectroBOOM101 – 009: Power Supplies and Electronic Life-Hacks

  10. ElectroBOOM101 – 010: DIODES! All Sorts of Them and How They Work

119 thoughts on “ElectroBOOM101 Series

  1. I need to run dyson v7 handheld vacuum which runs with 21.7 bolts 2400mah lithium ion battery with 120 volt ac … technically running dc brushless motor with ac

  2. Electric funny Joke: What happens if you touch 678qd of millegrams of electrons flowing in a electric transformer you will get 256,900 times more shocked than a Jacobs ladder

  3. Electric Joke: What happens if you touch 678qd of millegrams of electrons flowing in a electric transformer you will get 256,900 times more shocked than a Jacobs ladder

  4. Hi all electroBOOM! I love all your videos and I was born on march 28 2012 at 10:01 AM and like a month ago. I did a cool experiment and I made HIGH FREQUENCY and the frequency was 1100hz. I placed a fan in my electrons kit and I also put the wire touching it. I herd it’s 1100hz I think that was a cool since experiment ya yee!!! and also maybe one day you could do it yeah. I am 8.76 Years old I am a science kid. My nick name is Xx_IsabellieWolf_xX or Animal Crossing Cool Pro Isabellie Wolf Gamer.

  5. hello Mehdi, i’m, going to make myself a a single usb female to two usb male splitter, not concerned about such a small project but your help would be absolutely invaluable on many of my others i hope the registered email reaches at least you, true fan forever for what you have already taught me and patreon patron as soon as i have even a spare dollar to give you- william

  6. hi mr boom i am a huge fan and i watch your videos and i found a video regarding a free energy claim https://youtu.be/aMZHHOxWpN4 its so stupid because they shouldent be getting any energy at all from those magnets all they are doing is creating magnetic force

  7. Hi Mr.Electroboom!! I am a huge fan!! I enjoy watching your videos and I have learnt so much !! I especially love the rectifier series, and I have found a new topic to look upuon. This guy in the link below shows that he can levitate a coin with batteries and forks . It seems pretty legitimate, but there is a vague doubt in the back of my mind . Pls do have a look ( anybody who reads this) and tell me what you think !!

    Thank you and have a wonderful day!!


    • I am sooo sorry for the trouble. Just read that the video was played backwards…

      Nothing to rectify here. The FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER need not look into this one

  8. My long post should have begun with
    Please rectify grounding a medical therapy whose theory is demonstrably false.
    Would not want you to stop reading before this appears half page down.

    Jim Rockoff

  9. Something To Rectify! “Grounding” or “Earthing” to neutralize free radicals in the body has a long list of supposed health benefits. The idea is promoted by Deepak Chopra,
    Joseph Mercola, and others. Mercola and Chopra both are vendors of personal grounding products. Other vendors include Earthing.com and Groundolgy.UK. The Earthing Institute and some University of California professors ( some professors have financial relationships vendors) also ” study” which really means “advocate for” this therapy.
    Promoters say our shoes and carpets are insulating us from the nearly infinite sea of electrons ready to flow in and neutralize our free radicals. They claim we suffer significantly because free radicals chemistry accumulates causing oxidative damage.

    On the Youtube search line type: Gaetan Chevalier and earthing or grounding. Do the same for Deepak Chopra, Joseph Mercola, Clint Ober, also Sinatra…The sanctimoniousness of some of this can be seen on Youtube, ” (Jimmy Fallon Deepak Chopras grounded meditation from The Earthing Movie)” and the clips of the Earthing movie itself where various cures are supposed to have been achieved.

    Note—->>> I found a link to the actual Amps a promoter said came from the ground to a subjects flesh. From the definition of the Ampere and Mole I calculated the number of electrons in this current per day. NOT ENOUGH! There was more antioxidant electrons from vitamins in ounce of peach than received by being grounded for 24 hours.
    Their theory is demonstrably wrong!.

    So please help rectify this. You and your amp meter can confirm < 10 micro Amps from the earth when on and insulated platform you wire yourself to the earth. Then question these false medical claims with facts and clips from their sanctimonious videos. Maybe make grounding promoters little less popular.

    This is a pain to research. If you want my assistance I offer three things.
    1. To spend many hours scouring videos for the most unambiguous and amusing
    medical claims or to report on research papers of your choosing.
    2. Show you a nice math graphic that will allow viewers who don't use
    scientific notation to see the calculations are correct.
    3. $ Up too 1500 legal reimbursement if you choose to get legal advice before
    criticizing these vendors .

    I have seen friends and family harmed by bad advice and products from alternative medicine vendors.

    Thank you for your videos. I don't expect you to electrocute your self but wear some damn goggles for those sparks!

    Jim Rockoff

  10. Last post in May 2018? Whats up Mr. ElektroBOOM? Did you get old? 😉 Are you “out”? No way, I can’t believe that!

    Hope your Youtube Channel will run on and on. It’s the only non-german channel, of which I saw almost all videos. Respect!

    Greetz from Germany!

    Btw. I could have use of a new oscilloscope. If you have one left, GIMME THAT. 🙂

  11. Hi! Today I’d like to send you a link! I’m a huge fan!! My friends love your videos too!! Well, one part of it is the explosions and sparks, but mainly the amazing educational content!! I’ve learnt more electronics from your videos than from the 4 years of my undergraduate studies!! 😂😂

    I found this video on Pinterest and found the concept to be hilarious! I’d like you to make a video about it!! https://in.pinterest.com/pin/558587160035444057/

  12. Hello, Mr. eletroboom (or Mehdi). I’m from China. Thank you for sending the video to Mr. LuoZi. Otherwise, I can’t see such fun and learn physics knowledge all the time

  13. sir can u make this series electroboom101 fast with the real time applications
    may not be the videos but the theory part

  14. sir can u make this series electroboom101 fast with the real time applications
    may not be the videos but the theory part

  15. Hello Electroboom, I was wondering what book(s) you would recommend for learning about all different aspects of electricity? I’ve always been very interested in it but don’t know what book(s) I should buy.


  16. In the first video, what does Strong and Weak mean in the context of the two forces? I feel like I am constantly missing something really simple that will help me understand what electricity and energy are.

    • Weak force is related to Nuclear Decay and has a finite range, 2 or 3 diameters of a Neutron.
      Strong force is what holds Atomic Nuclei together, binding Protons and Neutrons together.

      “At the range of 10−15 m (1 femtometer), the strong force is approximately 137 times as strong as electromagnetism, a million times as strong as the weak interaction, and 1038 times as strong as gravitation”

  17. Dear ElectroBoom – Thanks for creating your hilarious videos. I am a high school Physics teacher and my students really enjoy laughing and learning with you. I have a couple of students who will most-likely pursue a career in electrical engineering because you inspired them.

    Also, I think you should sell ElectroBoom t-shirts, maybe on EBay?

    Thanks again,
    Steve Dail
    Harrison High School
    Farmington Hills, MI

  18. Hello Mr. Electroboom there are many people wants to know about Diodes i know that there are more then one type of diode please explain about it in a video.

  19. Hi there, like everyone we love watching your videos. You make electric fun and easy to understand for my kids and I. Hurting yourself or not in the process of making your videos we love them all. I have been trying kindly to request a video from you of a John Bedini’s SSG motor. Please I ask kindly for only informative, to learn to build one my son’s school project purpose. I deeply looked in to to SSG motor even though John Bedini himself never claimed or said free energy or over unity
    People on YouTube or other sites kill his engineering education and skills also great cuircit designs with stupid claims. Please my son and I we will love to learn from you on how to build one SSG motor with Bedini’s cuircit if you can show us in depth details. I have no understanding on to build cuircits even though my wife is and electrical engineer, she is not interested in it at all so I ask for your help please.

  20. Hi! I’ve a question. When I charge my phone, the charger makes noise like buzz. This happens especially before the battery is full. Is the charger damaged? Have I to stop using it and use another instead?

  21. I’m an electronics apprentice. It’s an entry level high school grad level position. (I’m not an entry high school or college kid. I’m old).
    But they assume I know stuff and words and things. Please keep teaching me the basics from the very beginning! Thank you!

  22. I have heard you say over and over again that there cannot be any free energy and that you are willing to advocate for any true source of proven free energy. Could you look up application # 20180337617, published Nov 2018. Thank you.

    • That patent doesn’t exist in the US patent offices records. Probably because they don’t accept any perpetual motion machines or free energy devices. The only place that has that application is freepatentsonline, which doesn’t even have an SSL certificate on their website.

      The only thing that device will do is draw a shitload of current from a DC source in the “initial energizing stage” and waste it as heat in the wires. No continuous current will be generated from the (also miniscule) magnetic field because the field doesn’t change.

      • This is a TRUE CENTRIPETAL force magnetic field powered system, in a PERMANENT planetary magnet the field PATTERN is fixed and constantly rotating, the egg shape provides for polarity and movement (activity) of the electrons in the circuit, contrary to what is being thought direct current has a constant frequency (THE FREQUENCY AND THE SPEED OF THE FLOW OF ELECTRICITY IS THE SAME, the bandwidth is one.) Once the magnetic field is created, it is now permanent with angular driving pattern forces, that field will now induce current flow in the circuit permanently. *NB the magnetic field does not need to change directions to propel the electrons, it just need to spin with a bias to move the electrons.

        • This is a true misunderstanding of the basic laws of physics.
          Nothing is created or destroyed, everything transforms.
          Those who believe or promote bizarre technologies generating energy from nothing should open some physics book from time to time.

  23. Mehdi,
    I want to give you some money directly. I’ve tried this Patreon thing but they take off 21 per cent! This is between me and you and I don’t see any reason why should anyone else interfere.

  24. Hello Mehdi, I am from the US and go to an engineering school. My school recently got a building just for engineering and has so many tools and machines but the only thing missing is a oscilloscope. well I lied…, we do have one but it is really old and crappy but if we could get one of those keysight scopes donated or if there is anyway to get a purchase cheaper or a please tell me. PS your videos inspired me to try electrical engineering.

  25. Hello Electroboom…I got a weird idea..which I was curious to know whether it will work or not…..charging a capacitor with piezo igniter and reusing the power later..the piezo igniter(Ligther) gives a spike of around of 1500 volts….can this be used to charge capacitor and reuse the capacitor as voltage source ???

    • of course it’s fake. besides, Captain Disillusion is the guy you should ask that question to, but i think he already did this video.

      • Captain D doesn’t have to do anything, the Black RoboBrain guy shows the trick and a disclaimer himself at the end of the video.

  26. Hi, Medhi, I’m an electrical engineering student in his sophomore year, and I haven’t had much experience with capacitors, resistors, rectifiers, and really everything electrical. While I will get this information in the coming semesters, I was wondering if you could explain how different components of circuits are used and for what puposes. if you can get to it before then that’d be cool, but if not, I would still watch the videos!

    • Capacitors – Used for storing energy and releasing them quickly, this component only works with DC and is good at reducing the amplitude of wave.
      Resistors- Resist the amount of electrons. Imagine a hole and a bunch of electrons trying to squeeze through the tiny hole electron. The resistor value just means how big that imaginary hole is.
      Diodes- Like an electric valve that opens and closes.
      Transistor- Same thing as diode, but with the addition of control.(although there is a diode variant that does the same thing).
      Rectifier- A circuit that consist of diodes allowing half of the AC wave to pass (The positive part of the wave), while preventing the negative part of the wave through. If you put some capacitors in the circuit you can get a smooth DC signal.

  27. Great stuff, love watching your videos. Especially at work!

    Here’s something you might look into because I seem to be the only person who experiences it, even though I have repeatedly experienced the phenomenon.

    Within a couple of years ago, I stopped by McDonalds to pickup some breakfast on the way to work. Orange juice is a great love of mine. After the attendant handed me the medium OJ, I noticed how thick the clear plastic cup is. I took the top off, took a sip, and set the OJ in the cup holder. After driving for a few minutes and getting up to speed on the highway, reached down, picked up the cup, started to take a sip and as the liquid touched my lips, I got a heck of a shock in the tip of my pursed lips.

    I have repeated this phenom many times and now stick a finger in the liquid before drinking the OJ.

    Can the car vibrations cause the acidic liquid to move in the plastic cup and build up a charge? Is the thickness of the cup a factor?

    I need a smart guy with a unibrow to tell this mechanical engineer what is going on! PLEASE!!!

  28. mr electroboom, could you do a video on how to calculate the rms value of a square wave, a pulse wave and a triangle wave, all with dc offset?

    • Try finding the Fourier series of the signal you need the rms value.
      Use Parseval identity.
      The rms Will be the root of the sum of the squares of the Fourier series coeficientes. The a_0 coefficient Will be the sum of the DC offset plus the mid value of the signal without offsets

  29. Hi Mr. Electro boom
    as you must know, economic situation in Iran is Fubar and even ordering a 200$ item will cost something out of this world. I’m a pothead and need a dryherb vaporizer. since I can’t buy one, I was wondering if you could help me make one for my self.

  30. Hi Mr.Mehdi . I am a Chinese student. Recently my English and Physics are poor.
    I really want to improve them well !One day I find your videos on YOUTUBE. I am very happy because I find these videos can help my English and Physics ! Thank you
    But there have a question. I cannot understand you most of time. And how I can improve my Physics WELL quickly?And my written English! I really need a help!!Mr.Mehdi,can you help me ?
    Can you write a e-mail for me ?Please help me ![Why I request you?Because I think you can…PLEASE…]Please tell me the way how to improve English or Physics?
    I am sorry to trouble you .But I really need a help….
    Here is my e-mail address .1339527663@qq.com
    Thanks for your reply.If you are very busy,you can answer me under this reply.

    Sherry Shirley

  31. Can the mn3102 output clock signal be used in the shock circuit of Tesla coil? If there is any mistake, please notify me in time.

  32. Ha.I’m boy.I prefer electricity, but I don’t kill myself like you do. You can connect some high-voltage rectifier circuits with a long-wire socket. When you connect to that socket, even if the spark is bigger, it won’t hurt you.

  33. ElectroBoom can you please make a video on how to make a Flyback Driver please, it would be very interesting if you could, i have a few IRFP260 and IRFP260N Transistors and thats pretty much all the mosfets i have, i wanted to know how to make one using those. no other videos that i found were very helpful and i am limited on recycled supplies (i remove components from alot of things such as TV’s Microwaves CFL Bulbs etc.)
    also i have a couple of 70000 UF 40VDC Capacitors (They Are Huge) i dont do much with them except they make alot of sparks when discharged, and they have screw on terminals but a couple of the screws are welded on from the high amount of amp discharge. but if you want them i can send them to you i dont do anything much with them anymore like i said they make good sparks. (For the videos where you forget to zap yourself.) My Name Listed Is My YT Name

  34. Mehdi hi) What do yo think, maybe you can give us some kind of agenda of your 101 series, so we can read some articles before and then solidify all the knowledge watching your videos. Maybe you can provide us with some books that you consider reasonable to read. I’ve also recently noticed that without proper understanding of derivatives and not being able to read diagrams, makes electronics really complicated.

    • I’ve learnt in my school that current flows in opposite direction to that of electron flow,In such case will the electron flow from device to the outlet if the current flows in device when connected in outlet?

      • Yes and no. In outlet you have AC current. That menas, the Phase wire is almost half of the time (period) positive and almost half of the time negative. There is a moment, when Phase wire is with equal potential to the 0 or also called negative wire. In both cases the electrons will flow from the outlet trough the device and will come back to the other wire of the outlet. In first case they will go Phase wire ->device -> negative wire. In the second case there will be no current and in third case negative wire -> device -> Phase wire.
        I hope u understand.

    • I’ve learnt in my school that current flows in opposite direction to that of electron flow,In such case will the electron flow from device to the outlet if the current flows in device when connected in outlet?

  35. As for regular home fans why there is a need of adding capacitor in series? What if there is no capacitor in fan and we turn ON the fan?

    • Regular home fans are asynchronous engines, which have 2 coils and work with AC current. One of the coils is generating one magnetic field, and the second coil is generating other magnetic field. If we use same power source for both coils, this will result into not moving the the fan. If we can phase-shift the first or second coil’s current, we will have shifted magnetic field, which will cause the fan spin.
      Capacitor has the ability to shift phase by 90 degree when AC current is applied to it. If we remove the capacitor, the motor wouldn’t spin.

  36. Hey, in step up transformers in the secondary circuit the voltage is more but the current should be less than primary circuit.
    But if we connect equal resistances to both circuit (in series) than does that mean the current in the resistance in the primary coil will be more than in secondary coil. That would violate ohms law
    Or does this mean that energy lost in heat would be less in the secondary circuit

  37. I installed new LED high hats and an LED dimmer switch. The arc fault circuit breakers trips periodically. WHAT’S THE DEAL?

  38. 1.How do the resistors work?
    2.if the current is low enough can it be cancelled out by the resisitor?

    • you reverse the polarity of the wires feeding the motor … if the motor is a perminent magnet style motor.

    • I think it’s so easy to use just a switch. Maybe you need some DC->AC inverter, and when you turn your switch ON to start PWM singal, which will produce AC signal. When turn your switch OFF, the PWM signal will be replaced by continuous HIGH signal, which will in turn make constant voltage, or also called DC voltage. The problem is that you must have charging pumps or transistors and PWM generator.

    • whats your intent? how much current will you be requiring? what voltage are you designing for?
      you will need a DC supply ( which can come from the AC supply with the help of a FULL WAVE BRIDGE RECTIFIER 😉 ), an AC supply, and a double pole double throw switch…. 🙂

  39. Sir from continuously watching your videos i want ask my own problem that i have been facing from past 1 year…
    I want to make a coil gun that works with relay but every time my circuit get burst and i am with nothing…can u please tell me the corrcet way to make a full bridge rectifier with diode and using 220 volt ac …. i can also send u my circuit diagram . For the refrence.
    Sir please snd me a message in email and then i will definitely send u the picture of my circuit diagram…
    I will be very thankful if u will help me in this…..

  40. how many times would a current need to alternate in order to produce a specific frequency of light? If you measured an electrons momentum and knowing that it would change its momentum would you be able to calculate the frequency of light it produces?

  41. As Mutual Inductance phenomenon is used in transformer to step up or down AC, can Mutual Capacitance phenomenon be used to make DC transformers?

    • But capacitors block DC. Capacitors can definitely be used to device AC down. Also there are tricks to use capacitors to increase voltage, but not as simple as a transformer.

      • They are systems like Split-PI, Charge-pump. All are systems that require supporting digital electronics (i.e. switching controllers) to operate; NOT just capacitors.

        If you are looking for unity-gain DC isolation, use a low-voltage inverter to convert it to AC, pass it through an isolation transformer, then convert it back to DC using a *FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER*, and smooth it out to the voltage you started with.

        Or just plug it into a different wall-wart. They do the same thing, just one’s WAY simpler.

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