
I’m not holding a fake head!

Hi! To all the crazy engineers out there, you are not alone!

Frankly, engineering is partly fun and mostly boring stuff like testing and documentation. It only takes a healthy dose of craziness to make everything fun and you also learn more, sometimes!

Just don’t forget, I am a professional and (probably) know what I am doing most of the times! I have a bachelor degree in Electronics/Telecommunications (University of Tehran) and Masters degree in Micro-Electronics (Simon Fraser University) and years of experience designing and building electronics. So hopefully I can keep myself safe! But if you try what I show, you may get badly injured or even die! So don’t try to do what I do at home. Just learn by watching.

The fact that I made my first YouTube video back in 2012 and survived this far is a great testament to the existence of miracles!! I love making stuff and communicating, so I shall keep taking the risk!

You can subscribe to my Youtube channel follow the link to my channel:  http://youtube.com/electroboom

If you like to support your favorite creator and become my patron visit this page: http://www.patreon.com/electroboom

Check my T-Shirts at: https://teespring.com/stores/electroboom

Here are my favorite products on Amazon (I make money from this page): https://www.amazon.com/shop/Electroboom

If you like to see my cut clips, behind the scenes, extras and receive updates on Facebook, please like my page: http://www.facebook.com/electroboom

And if you wish to follow me on Twitter, here I am: http://twitter.com/ElectroBOOMGuy

If you like to send me a line or ask me to try something, email me at: nation@electroboom.com

Looking forward to hearing from you!

375 thoughts on “About

  1. How do I get rid of static shock especially in winters? I keep getting electric shocks whenever I touch anyone, touch door knobs, getup from my couch and many more.

    • if you’re rubbing your feet on something while wearing socks, that’s going to generate most of it =).
      If you’ve touched anything that feels like it’s emitting some static charge on you (eg plastic bags, styrofoam, etc)…

      when you get shocked you’re being discharged, so if you want to get shocked less — i’d touch more metal things each time I walk around in order to minimize the amount of shock.

    • and I have the same problem, I work in an area full of powerful antennas . so is there any way to get rid of this problem?
      Please help us ElectroBoom

  2. Just stumbled across a video of yours on Youtube — and now I’m hooked. You are brilliant – thank you for sharing your passion and humour.
    The world will be a better place if future generations of science teachers take inspiration from you.

  3. Can you make a video about Edison? I saw your video about ACvsDC and there were multiple serious defamatory inaccuracies such as blaming him for the electric chair or for killing Topsy the elephant. I know this is a comedy channel first and foremost, but it is a bit rude to speak ill of the dead without them being able to defend themselves from your defamation.

  4. Hey huge fan.
    Been subscribed for 3-4 years now.. just wanted to let you know in a friendly matter as I’m sure you get trolled. But your heater install didn’t meet the CEC electrical code. I would be more than happy to discuss this with you and I can provide you a copy of the current CEC code book if you were interested.

  5. Hey Mehdi I am currently in school I watch your videos daily and I think they are very educational and funny and I was just wondering if you could explain how ferrit cores work and how there usefull

  6. I just learned that Panko bread crumbs were originally made by electrocuting dough using power from a Japanese tank battery during WW2
    I immediately thought of your YouTube channel when I saw this!
    Here’s a link to the video I saw.
    I know you don’t usually cook on your channel, but it may be interesting.

  7. Hi Bro, Big fan of your.
    recently i tried emulating your Full BRIDGE Rectifier circuit on Yenka and apparently Diode 1, 3 and 4 blowup as well as the 30mH Toroid inductor. Could you help me out plz.
    If you want I can send you an image of what I;ve done, can I plz get your email for that.

  8. Hi Mehdi,
    I have an old tape player/radio which I am trying to fix. I suspect it has an inductor issue as audio is not coming out of the speaker but the speaker is confirmed to be working when I connected it to a difference source. How do I figure out what is the inductor rating when it doesn’t say on the inductor? How do I know if the inductor is good or bad? This inductor is connected to one terminal of the speaker. The speaker is rated 8 ohms and .75 watts I would greatly appreciate it if you can rectify this.

  9. Hi Mehdi,
    -can you investigate about the “The Milgram Shock Experiment” and more about the shocking device and how much it hurt actually if it was used?

  10. Thanks for the great video u made for us and sorry for all ur pain for us and I made some that u made and I also tasted a bit of electricity too

  11. Hi Mehdi,
    Your video “Impossible Active Audio Noise Cancelling by Muzo” from 2017 just came up in my feed and had me thinking about something similar – the Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD).
    LRADs have been used by border patrol and emergency services for over 10 years. More recently they have been used by dictators on their own citizens.
    The device appears to be based on a center speaker surrounded by 4 or more out of phase speakers which take the dispersed signal from the center speaker and focus the sound waves into an intense narrow beam.
    Can you give it a go please?

  12. Hi Mehdi, I work for a Raytheon Canada branch in Ontario. Sometimes they give away meters, tools, and components that are no longer being used to staff. Would you like me to scrounge for you? I can let you know whenever something interesting is available if you like. I’ll send you a pic of the item and if you want it, I’ll send it by mail. I’m in Ontario.

    • Man i am in great need of an oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer… Would be awesome if you could helpppp… Pls let me know

  13. Hi Mehdi,
    What about this one?
    Could it work like that? It’s not really about electronics but it states it’s free energy so I thought you could have a look on it. It even boast that, unlike many other videos on YT, it is not a fake. Concept looks convincing but I can think of several reasons why it could not work like this.
    So is it fake or not? Could you please check it?

  14. Hello Mehdi,
    Big fan of yours. Your videos nowadays are becoming well-edited but your main quality(of entertaining us) is gradually decreasing, I mean actually your videos are not as funny as you made it before. I am basically a great fan of yours and hope you would get my information and audience review from me.
    And also please make a live stream for us, since its quarantine nowadays.

  15. Love the videos! Thanks for explaining things!
    I wondered about the newest crazy (or maybe old) about “clean energy”. I was looking at a product to help with THD from my home generator, and came across something called “Perfect Power Box” from a company called Satic. I can’t find any relevant videos showing that it really works (i.e. Oscilloscope showing wave forms in and after this product). Seems like just a lot of placebo effected folks posting “it really works”. As well there’s no mention of how this device works (does it use Capacitors? Shunts?). Have you ever heard of this item?

  16. I am the safety guy for a smallish CATV company and was hoping I could get your permission to use “The Pain of Electricity (AC versus DC)” from your youtube channel in my training


    • you might burn yourself but it wont shock you. that works the same way as a stovetop, electricity flows through the resitance (the curly thing) and the flow of electricity makes the resistance heat up and boil the water.

  17. Hello, Mr. Sadaghdar! First of all, thanks for showing me that there are more crazy people in the world. Second, wanna share a thought that occurred to me yesterday moments before bed: FREE ENERGY!!!!!!!
    LOL, no, don’t erase this yet!! LOL! Let me explain: I was thinking about another way to store energy generated from wind and sun, other than chemical batteries or flywheel and I thought about digging a very deep hole and drop a very heavy metal thing inside and generate energy from the fall of this very heavy thing. OMG, I AM A GENIOUS, I thought. Then I took my cellphone and 10 seconds later, Google said to me that this device already exists, obviously. But, I was not able to find the subsequently “what ifs”, like: What if I fill this hole with water, make a very hydrodynamic shape to the very heavy metal thing, install a gas cylinder somewhere and when the very heavy metal think hits the bottom, a balloon is filled with gas from the cylinder and goes up again using counter attraction, or buoyancy (never heard this word, don’t even know if it fits). See? Scratched your head a little? Or it’s just me? Well, I like unclogging wires, and bit brushing. I like to reverse-engineering everything. My wife goes mad all the time with my experiments (most likely with the mess I usually left on her table) and I am a professional car tuner and electronic fuel injection modules repair technician. At least I was, until this crazy virus appears, but, well,…
    I hope you read this. It’s been almost two days in my head, and tomorrow some other random thought is gonna replace this crazy idea before I found someone to make the calculations for me. And I know you are never gonna read this, or if you do, it will only make you laugh, which for me, is very satisfactory!!
    Thanks again for every second of educational entertainment you provided for me so far!!

    • No free energy here unfortunately. As the mass is falling through the liquid, there’s a lot of energy lost from friction. Which will increase as the hydrostatic pressure increases. So part of its original potential energy is spent doing that. Now, returning the mass back up to the top (the original potential energy state) will require the exact same amount of energy spent as it fell. Examining the system from the macro view – the energy used to pump enough air into a balloon to generate the buoyant force large enough to lift that mass against gravity and friction as it moves, will be the exactly same energy it generated getting to the bottom (in an ideal world). With real world thermodynamic irreversibiilities (energy losses) like heat, will always make this a system that requires a net input. Now, that’s true for all electricity generating systems. But for humans some forms of energy are more abundant and less valuable so we are okay to spend such an energy cost because we create something more valuable in terms of human money. Like using uranium jammed full of nuclear force energy to create electricity. We are only getting a small fraction of the original energy in the uranium turned into electricity but that’s okay because we want to electricity more. In your system, we are spending more electricity then we are gaining, therefore no monetary gain so no overall benefit to humans.

  18. Can you createva video or help me learn enough to graph field coil V/A vs bldc input VA vs power out of a car alternator with circuty removed under a 48V BLDC motor controller?

    BTW: I dont have any social media accounts.

  19. Absolutely love your vids! Rewatching the old still hasn’t gotten old! I do have a question though. What do you think about building a “simple” switching power supply (could be as simple as dc-dc converter down- or up-converting from a 12v battery). I ask because as a kid I could not buy my own equipment for projects so I spent years teaching myself everything I know and just built almost every piece of lab equipment I needed over time with almost no money. I just want every kid that have to grow up with an interest but never able to practice anything to have a chance to learn as much as possible with very little money. 99% of electrical projects usually start with a varible power supply. Thanks for everything you’ve done so far!!



  21. Hlo electroboom.I am greatly inspired by your videos. I wanted to make some crazy things too.but I am poor. Pls if you could help pls giveaway me an ossiloscope.ill need it. And when.I become rich after earning some science.BAAM. I will be your patron. I wish if I had an account to become your patron.thanks. here is my number-8198847411. I am an indian. Pls contact me.Im just a school boy in +2 standard.

  22. Hello electroboom
    I’ve been watching your videos for some time now and they are pretty awesome, funny and educational….
    I am from Africa and what you teach has helped me a lot and transformed my skills…
    I’m requesting you if it’s possible you donate to me an oscilloscope… I need one of those but it’s had to get one here… Thanks
    Ntambi Nicholas

  23. I think you are a genius !

    To be able to pretend to be clumsy when everything is controlled and understood is genius for me, you the Leonardo of experiences that allows us to be safe from you visually what would result from the hazardous attempts of non-professionals or not able to understand what is happening and to see the consequences through humour without human death and for that you are according to me and for me in any case a real genius of popularization.

    I don’t know you, I don’t know how you do it but I love your videos because I always laugh at least once while learning things without taking any risk for my life.

    The only thing that scares me sometimes is to see youtubers who don’t know you take you for an idiot and believe that everything is not controlled and it’s scary sometimes to see their opinion.

    But thanks for your videos that I don’t always watch, I admit.

  24. Hi Mehdi!

    Can you please look into one of these multi-level marketing schemes, iTovi. So many people are using these to diagnose issues and figure out which oils to use instead of going to a doctor. The scanning device can’t be too difficult to tear down and see what it’s actually doing.



  25. Hi..
    the output energy we obtain by using magnet in the generator (like pmdc motor) is much more than that of the energy applied to make a magnet. Right??? Is that can be called overunity efficient????..

  26. Amazing no BS videos. Great work esp from teaching perspective.

    Two major (and I think related) questions I was hoping u could explain well in a video.

    I have been trying to understand the concept of AC wiring and the nomenclature of LIVE and neutral. Almost seems like neutral is, once load is active, is LIVE.? I have watched tons of YouTube videos on AC and AC generation and I thought I understood it but this livewire concept I cannot get my head around.

    Question 2 monopole antennas don’t seem to make circuit… Yet somehow the electrons oscillate in antenna. It seems with AC, and voltage can be created without a loop circuit

    Not sure if questions makes sense.

  27. I have BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and quite frankly i can’t any of the circuits you easily do. I need to learn this skill so badly, please help me. Thank you

  28. Hello, Mehdi! I’m Guilherme Braz, 13 years, Brazilian, and your good fan!
    I had 3 questions: Why 120 volt AC is pretty dangerous? Quimic energy on body can work on electronics? What is a Capacitor and how many volts it has?
    Make a video aswering these questions, please! I’ll always will subscribe on your channel, because you’re a genius of the eletricity!
    Goodbye, Mehdi!
    Explain these questions on your video!

    By your fan: Guilherme Canhoni Braz

    • 120 v is dangerous because of its too much voltage and its in AC form.
      capacitor depends on their value what you pick that stuff to decide the V and macrofaranit

  29. Dear Mehdi Sadaghdar
    I’m a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, of the Federal University of Paraná – UFPR.
    Our University stays in south of Brazil and we have little money to equip our labs for undergraduates and high school students to visit us and learn what an Electrical Engineer does.
    I had your contact through one of my students, who follows his videos and debates about electrical science, and we saw that it can be a great opportunity for us to share some experience, not only with obtaining materials to equip our laboratory, but also future work. especially in the fields of atmospheric electricity, renewable energy, and electrical circuits.
    Therefore, I am at your disposal to answer any further questions, and we look forward to your cooperation, given the availability of our orders.

    Our list of possible acquisitions was sent by google forms address.

    Best Regards

    Prof. Armando Heilmann, Dr.

    • Whaaaaaaa? Isn’t this state where everything is always “a model” (the model city, the model hospital, model bus stops (the tubes)? Go for your model University Dean and ask lab equipment for your model lab…
      And then you come here in broken English and flatout ask for gear???
      Not even tried some partnership…. no nothing…
      You know, your fellow paranaenses to fund you, before your president close the University at once (your state had 69% votes for him)….
      Or ask for the corrupt judge to instead of de-tax tobacco, properly fund the research!

      But there’s an final solution, make that little GUN gesture for your president, salute the American flag and I guess you can get all the gear you need.

      “The south is my country”.

  30. Hi Mehdi, i am an italian amateur photographer. Christmas is coming and many photographers are shooting photosets with girls wrapped in Christmas lights. Another trend is to take pictures of girls in bathtub. I have not much time so i plain to do both at the same time. Do you have any suggestion to improve my project?

    • You can take isolated christmas lights with batteries (which uses batteries and low voltages 1.5-9V), and don’t be afraid to throw it into water 😉
      Or you can find lights for pools, which have enough IP protection class.

  31. Christmas around the corner and you don’t do kids sizes in the Full Bridge Rectifier T-shirts? WHY DO YOU HATE CHRISTMAS!!! Seriously consider it… My kid would be wrapped! … Not like wrapping paper, i mean wrapped – like happy. C’MON!!!!

  32. Hi,

    I need to contact yo regarding a project i am working on.
    I am hoping you can help please.
    I am software programmer and currently i am working on project where I need to split 240V ac into 4 60V dc and direct current to 4 batteries for charging. I also need to be able to read from something like Canakit1104 voltage and current suing sensors. Voltahe around 60V and current up to 50A. I live in Australia and you feel you can help of course i will be happy to contact and make financial contribution toward your help.
    My email: rezavatandoust@hotmail.com
    my mobile +61414675877.
    I would love to hear from you.

  33. Hi,

    I have idea for a video,
    using tiny85 chip (with 3.3v battery) in order to use it as a low power watch to switch (arduino or wemos d1 chip on/off – those run on 5-6v) that will be used to control via wifi air condition that have only IR control.This way you can control it even if you are not in the house 🙂 example turn it on 30m before you are home 🙂
    the whole idea is to be turned on/off every 15-30 min for few seconds to check and in need to send commands to air conditionar.

  34. Hi. Your shop won’t allow orders to the UK. It just says the zip code is invalid (presumably because it’s not purely alphanumeric).

    Big Clive wouldn’t be impressed!

  35. Heard about a overunity machine called reaction less generator (RLG) made by a indian fella also read about “searl effect”
    Do a video on that and explain what are these phenomenon.

  36. Sir please can you help me making a cell phone detector having a detection range of 20 feet
    Sir please dont ignore this ,please help me sir
    Big fan drom India

  37. Hi, I just watched your video about free energy device scams.
    Then I took a look at your website!
    You have an advert for the very same scam!!!!

    Shame on you Sir!!!

    Keep up with the very entertaining videos!


    • You do understand that this is because of *your* browser search history/cookies/etc, not the result of some conscious choice on the part of ElectroBOOM or YouToob, right?

  38. Hi.Mehdi
    Regarding your latest video ,that series of p n junctions donot generate more voltage when you put hot water utensil on it because you have connected them to heat sinks due to which it losses the heat quickly

  39. Hi electroboom.
    I need to know about starting capasitors and running capacitors. How they work? What are the deferences? Etc. If you can make a video about them it’s very useful. I hope you will make a video about them. Thank you.

  40. Hello!
    I found videos of two motors tied together so that one of them acts as a generator, for a continuous circuit (never ending energy).
    Of course, it didn’t work… Or it did work, for others.
    But I don’t trust any of them.
    I trust you!
    Can you do that? And add a gear in between so the rotation to be double at the other end? Maybe this way it will work. Or it will explode. Either way, it would be a great video!
    Thank you for your shows!

  41. oh, boy,
    electroboom i found a product that i was incredibly skeptical about,
    it is a device that you attach to a plug and it increases your internet speed.
    my only question is, is it possible, whats inside it, and, can you make your own?

  42. Hi there,
    I really enjoy your stuff, really idiotic way to teach really cool stuff… 😀
    So… something way to odd and dangerous happend in my area and I imagined that it would be your area of expertise…
    It seems to be high voltage cables going nuts!

    My regards

  43. Dear ElectroBOOM,

    Hello there, i had an idea for a video to help some beginner people out there (maybe a Electroboom101 video) my idea is on how to make a low voltage AC power circuit to run like 10 volts AC for anything, i don’t know if you take viewer requests but i am putting it out there anyways.

    Thank you!

  44. hello Mehdi i have seen your videos you said in one video electronics is nothing without oscilloscope can you say how to make mobile as oscilloscope

  45. Hello medhi, I think doing a video about citrus fruit as power would be a good video and how citrus fruits can provide electricity
    Kind regards

  46. Hello ElectoBoom,
    That you for sharing your excellent talent with such a great humor. I would appreciate you can shade your view on following video (on a you tube) where a Indian guy claims to have technology of battery 4000 years ago with indian ancient civilisation. He did perform test which seems totally ridiculous and tight slap on the face of the genius scientist who contributed to evolve field of electricity. Thank you.


  47. Salaam Mehdi,

    Thank you for all the effort you put into making the videos. Came across a few videos about EZ water on Youtube, talk by Dr. Gerald Pollack and another from Robert Murray-Smith. It would great to hear your take on it.


  48. Hi, Mehdi. good job.
    You’re like directors of the The Big Bang Theory for electronics and science cause it’s hard to make comedy out of boring stuff like science. or like Jackie Chan also.
    I’m an electronic designer and I will be happy to help you with some projects including designing hardwares and programming if you want.
    best regards and keep rolling.

  49. Hello
    I need some help. Its about galvanometer. I read that direction shown by meter is same as conventinal current. But when i connected a AA battery through a resistance its showing negative to positive termal current. I need help wtlith because i am trying to find the direction of current in solinoid generated by a moving bar magnet. Thanks

  50. Hi there, can u explain the secret behind indian electric mohan. U can search his videos on the Internet. Hope it will b an interesting pick for a video

  51. Gretings ElectroBOOM, i am a student of a power electrical university, but english in not my native language. Could you please recomend me some literature to develop my vocabulary in electronics? I would really appreciate that.

  52. In a video about dc motors you’ve told that they can act as a generator. Turning the axle generates electricity that can be measured on the output wires. (or input depending on how you look at it). My question is, if you use the dc motor as a motor. You put electricity in it which in turn makes it run. I would assume according to the previous statement that electricity is also generated since the axle is spinning. How does this add up? You put electricity in it, but also generate it at the same time, or am I missing something?

  53. Can you explain this, found this Video on LiveLeak.

    “working plasma globe in a microwave”

    Or is there already a video, explaining this interaction?

    Can Microwaves “guide” the Plasma or is it “capacity coupling” as the globe touches the inside of the Microwave? (Don’t blow up your Kitchen 🙂

    • Sorry but I do not know how to post a thought,so I’m just replying to post a questions so this is not related to the plasma globe.
      Hi Electroboom,I’m 13 and I live in Singapore
      I saw this video quite a while back but I though you may be interested.
      The video is about a company that made a sensor that u was wave your hand around
      I know this technology is around but I was thinking that the handguestures were quite complex and some fingers blocked other fingers from the sensor,which wouod have made the chip not recognise the gesture
      I’m hoping that you will at least reply me(its totally fine if u dont)
      And maybe even make a videos explaining how it works and maybe even make one using hr lulzbot!

  54. Can you start making videos of plasma balls? It maybe would be Interesting to know how one works and maybe doing some experiments?

  55. I am not worthy to ask you a question but I will anyway 🙂 one of the channels I follow Atlas Shelters has some really good content BUT !!! There is always a BUTT in the end… he has made the following video ( How To EMP Proof Your Bunker, Home or Car For $299 ) which I now have to buy a new keyboard because I spit coffee on the keys and now the TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Sticks…. If you happen to find the time could you please explain why this would not work, I have a pretty good understanding of electronics and even though I do not have a engineering degree in electronics ( I play one at work 🙂 (Don’t tell) before I post why a hardwired surge suppressor will not work on a emp I would like the advice of someone I admire and trust, Unfortunately they were busy and I have to go to you …. I kid… I kid… I respect you and your videos and will appreciate any help. As a token of your time I will be willing to donate 20.00 U.S. to your Patron account if you decide I am worthy. Be SAFE and keep up the good work and TTTTTTTTThank you in advance. Irv Blair

  56. Hello Mr. Electroboom (Sorry, I don’t know what to call you)

    We have to conduct a research this school year and my study is inspired by you .I am a tenth grade student. I am reaching out to you because i really don’t know lots about electrical engineering and I would like to have you as my consultant in my research.No, having you as a consultant would be an honor. I cannot disclose my research and full name here as this is an open forum but I will message you in twitter and instagram.

    With sincere appreciation,

    (was this too formal? I tried making it formal because i had 2 engineers turn me down yesterday)
    (I’ll DM you in instagram and twitter too)

  57. Hello, Mehdi! My name is Guilherme Braz. For me, you’re the funniest guy when I saw your best videos!
    I can call you of “The man of the hillarious eletrecity” and always, I say “FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER!” just like you.
    I’m from Brazil and I forever watch your videos!
    Sometimes, you’re funny, but the important thing is you’re a genius!
    Thanks, Mehdi, and had fun!

  58. Love your channel with it’s mix of fun (for viewers), danger, and good information.

    I think capacitive power supplies would be an interesting (and dangerous) topic for you to cover. Naturally, they’re usually a bad solution but they’re occasionally worthwhile.

    In case I used the wrong term, this is the kind of thing I’m speaking of.

  59. Altenergypro.com video, disprove, Same as the boy who cried free energy probably but please tease me about it I’m Richard Cunningham, and until you spend years of solid study on the subject I politely have to disregard your faf arguments on this particular devices . Which with all that fancy sponsored equipment, if you do I’ll patreon top tier for ya. Sincerely Richard J Cunningham your door way to the truthfulness.

  60. Hi I saw your video on the taser and would like to downscale it. Would it be possible to switch a voltage converter 240 to 120 and switch it to 120 to 240 and be able to generate enough voltage to creat a arc that wouldnt kill someone if I wanted to zap them

  61. Hey, i’m such a huge fan of your videos and I just want to say that your videos are helping me a lot with the school thanks.

  62. I hope it helps drive home the point – I will probably unsubscribe if you don’t wear safety glasses at a minimum. The comedy and the education are both wonderful, but you’re gonna put an eye out. I don’t want to support that.

  63. Hello!

    What do you think about the powerstar?

    It claims to save electricity by optimizing the current for your devices. The “extra” current or overvoltage is then send back into the grid as kilowatt hour.


  64. Thanks for Mr.Mehdi’s video,you’re realy a good guy,and I realy like the video that you make a tesar gun,can you make a chargable battary?

  65. salam agha mehdi
    azaton komak mikham baraye kharid oscop
    man karam nasb system soti khodro hast.agar emkanesh hast,shomare tamasi behem bedid ke bahaton sohbat konam.moteshakeram

  66. hey mehdi.
    first af all let me say that im a big fan of yours and im a subscriber since the early days of youtube. i think i became subsriber around 2012.
    anyway, i have a problem. it seems my computer is infected with something that when i open youtube after 1 second it goes to YOUR pole page and keeps refreshing every 1 second. i tried to locate the problem using malware bites in safemode with no sucsess. do you know anything about this. does anyone ever mentioned this to you?
    if u see this and you have time send me an email. thanks in advance.

  67. Hey Medhi! What about you create your own patented DC-AC inverter? You know since they have all the same crappy reverse polarity protection… I wanted to buy one of those but I resigned to do so and I tough; what about I build my own … Before setting the house on fire I’ve decided to wait to see if a real engineer could build one and just “borrow” his circuit… Actually I would build it at school so my house wont set on fire and i’ll make the school pay for it…. I can’t wait to deplete my dad car battery! Please make my dream come true!!!

  68. Love watching your YouTube channel vids. Wish I could afford some of the equipment you use. Look forward to seeing many more. Thanks .

  69. Hey Electroboom,
    I’m a High School junior in NY, and in a competition some friends of mine and I recently entered, My team and I have been challenged to activate a motor using an IR signal and receiver with any programming or programmable parts, but we are lost on how to design such a circuit. As far as I know (and I don’t know much) you are the expert. I would greatly appreciate if you could give some suggestions on how to properly design this. Please, I’ll even pool some money to purchase your patented extreme workout belt and I’ll explain what a full bridge rectifier is to anyone who’ll listen.
    Thanks in advance, Daniel C.

    • Hope you don’t mind someone else answering (I’m a hobbyist, and used to work as an LV Telecom engineer). Since it’s a school challenge, can’t give you too much but here is a start:

      Look for popular micro-controller set ups that people are talking about online, there are a few big ones, and they are generally based around the Atmel ATMega series micro-controller. From there ir isn’t too difficult, but for a motor you need a driver, I recommend looking into L293D it is a DC motor driver.

      This should get you an idea of what to look for, and if you can figure out a micro controller setup, there are many guides online that teach how to use them.

      Hopefully this helps to some degree 🙂

  70. Hi Mehdi,
    i really like your videos, they are funny and well explained…

    what do you think about this so called “Hutchison effect”?
    Maybe, is it worth to make a video about this stuff or do you think this is fake 😉 ?
    Kind regards,

  71. Love your channel!!! been following years.. but now i have an electrical question that i have not found a good answer for yet…
    So in the Uk we have 230v AC at 50Hz as our mains supply, so mains devices use that.
    However my question is can i run 50hz devices on a 60Hz generator at 230v?
    Many thanks

  72. Regarding your video on disagreeing with Lewin on Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law:

    The reason why Kirchhoff’s law doesn’t hold in the case of a changing magnetic field is that currents are not only caused by voltages (i.e. differences in electric potential). Consider a ring of resistors and a changing magnetic field which causes a current. Clearly all voltages in the ring of resistors will have the same sign and thus not sum up to zero. The voltage between two points of the ring must be U=R*I. The current I is the same for the entire ring, but the resistances can be different in the two paths connecting the points, so the voltages can be different too.

    Kirchhoff’s law is like walking a mountainous closed path: Adding up how much you ascend and descend on a closed path must result in zero. But you’re not measuring altitudes: You’re measuring current flows and deducing altitude differences from that measurement. If the currents are not caused by altitude differences, but for example by a pump, then you will deduce that the altitude difference is always down or up along the closed path, but that is a nonsensical result. It’s the same with Kirchhoff’s voltage law.

  73. Hi, I am Jit from India, I want to know if I took two electric power metre and connect two load(ex bulbs) such a way that line wire is from one and neutral from another. So if I turn on the load then how those metres give kWh measurements?

    • It charges faster because the power supply (the box) can not only output 5 volts (normal charging power) but 9 volts (fast charging power). Phones can only use fast charging if the phone was built with that comparability. If you tried to force 9v on a phone without fast charging capability, I’m pretty sure you could fry the phone. I’m also sorry if my English is a little sloppy, I’m 5 beers down lol

  74. Thanks for this website and your YouTube Channel. It is so fun to learn something from you again which was boring at the first time in my class. Keep doing good work!

  75. I watched you almost die on Making a Jacob’s Ladder to Celebrate a Million Subs… Seriously 😀 You could consider doing some classes (like beginning electronics, intermediate and advances – I woule support patronage for sure !)

  76. I enjoy watch your videos. Have you done one with solar power energizing a electric ball. The one you can put us hand on and feel the electricity thru body? Just wondering if that can be done. You do have a lot if cool vids. If you happen to give away any 3d printer look me up… 🙂

  77. Hello Mehdi! I came across this “self programable Battery level indicator, for it being a tricolor led with 9 different intrrevils, seems to be lacking in components, if it is what it says then I’d love to buy it!

  78. Hey man, I love your videos. I have a degree in EE, but I wasn’t a very good student. Is there any way you could prove mathematically that the video on YouTube where the Russians harvested enough power from the high voltage transmission lines with an antenna to charge their cell phone was faked? I believe that this should be possible at some distance, but like you, I don’t really trust anyone with accent.

  79. I have noticed you don’t monetize your site, don’t waste your
    traffic, you can earn additional bucks every month.
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  80. Hi your videos inspired me to start my training to become an electrician. I’m currently in high school doing a trade program and was wondering what kind of advice would you offer to someone. We don’t do small circuits but mainly building wiring if that helps. Much love from America

  81. Sir big fan of your videos! I would love to see you making and finding the myth behind a Rodin coil and check it if it’s a hoax.

  82. Vind het grappig dat er altijd iets om ploft wanneer ga je meer van die video’s maken alsjeblieft want ik heb de indruk dat je daarmee bent gestopt wat jammer alsjeblieft maak nieuwe features of contact of contacteer mij op mijn e-mail jij bent de grappigste aan de liefste zotte man explosie man gister boem

  83. Hi. I see that you don’t update your blog too often. I know that writing articles
    is time consuming and boring. But did you know that there is a tool that allows you to create new articles using existing content (from article
    directories or other pages from your niche)?
    And it does it very well. The new articles are unique
    and pass the copyscape test. You should try miftolo’s tools

  84. I’m your Chinese fan,I’m very like election,I watch your video on bilibili one month ago.Your video is so interesting.You are my male god.

  85. Hi Mehdi
    I have a question, someone died because of thunder strike in Hong Kong today, the weather suddenly go crazy while he is hiking.
    Is there any preparation we can do to avoid that?

  86. Dear Mehdi,

    My son and I love to watch your videos! He is in high school and you have helped spur his interest in electrical engineering. I sincerely thank you for this.

    He and I were talking about something very puzzling to us–
    how do electrons flow in AC? And is this flow different than in DC?

    We are trying to figure out how electrons move from a battery source through the wire when the current is DC versus when it is AC. Not the conventional current but the actual electron movement. And how this movement is connected to Amps, Voltage, electric field and magnetic field.

    Perhaps this would be a good topic for your new series, ElectroBOOM101.

    Thank you!


    • In DC, the electrons move in one direction only from the negative battery terminal to the positive.

      In AC, electrons move first in one direction and then they reverse and move in the other direction.

    • Hi at this point you have probably already seen his video on ac/DC current but to answer your question in DC electrons move in a sort of straight line at a constant voltage like this – .however in AC electrons move normally in a sin wave where the wave peaks and valleys. Sort of like this ~. Of course that isnt the only type of ac wave bit that’s essentially the basics of it hoped this helped.

  87. I really like your writing style, fantastic information, regards for putting up :D. “In every affair consider what precedes and what follows, and then undertake it.” by Epictetus.

  88. Thank you for your great videos and the positive content you spread. Being inspired by Tesla and by watching your videos I’ve made up my mind to study for electrical engineering. Now here’s my question: What electrical engineering field would you suggest studying : mechatronics, automation or power engineering? And in which one of those three are you specialised at?
    I would really appreciate it and it would really help me if you could answer the question.

  89. make a video on how to measure inductance and capacitance without multimeter… and cro they are too expensive to buy…. it would be helpfull..

  90. Could you do a video about converting 230v 50hz to 110v 60hz (vice versa). There are a lot of populair products like hair clipper from the us that won’t work here in europe.

  91. Hey ElectroBoom, can you please make a video on how to make a simple pop filter for a microphone? In my country all of them cost like 20$ 😀

  92. Hello, can you make a video about 120 V 60 Hz to 230 V 50 Hz conversion or vice versa.

    Another idea: open up or make your own circuit breaker.

  93. Hi Mehdi,
    I noticed that you wear your wedding ring while doing your demonstrations. This can be dangerous. I have a scar on my ring finger and a plastic bag where I keep the fused pieces of my engagement and wedding rings. For more information on this you can Google
    car battery injury ring
    You’ve done a lot to raise awareness about the dangers of electricity. Maybe you could do an article on this.

  94. Hello Mr.
    I try to do my best in typing English, oké.
    I month ago I ordered 1 T-shirt with a FULL BRIDGE RECTEFIRE, but I don’t received it yet.
    Can you do something about it, it costs €30 so a lot of money.
    I hope you can check for me if it is send to me.
    Thx and bye.

  95. Can you do an episode on ignition coil packs for cars, and whether or not “performance” ones are notably better than their cheap amazon counterparts?

    I will help you source the parts for your car to test these.

  96. Can you help me make a spaceship that protects the inhabitants of all the space radiations also features life support for at least 1000 years?

  97. Mr. Electroboom, I’m entering my senior year in electrical engineering with a focus in CPU architecture. Thanks for being an inspiration.

  98. Dear Mr. Sadaghhar,

    Thank you for creating the most entertaining and vital videos I have ever seen before in your singularly innovative, exciting genre !

    With humility and admiration for your clear understanding of the field, I intend to share your work with all who can benefit. I worship the ground you walk on.

    No puns intended,

  99. I just want to tell you, I’ve decided to go back to school to become an engineer because of you! Thank you for changing my life.

  100. After watching your videos, I wish you’d been around decades ago when I was in Engineering school. Alas, I became a software engineer –
    Your videos are amazing, and should be a must-watch for all EEs, especially power electrical engineering. My Dad would have loved these videos. Thanks.

  101. Dude , i Love your How To Shave Your Mustache Video … couldn’t stop laughing. you are welcome to visit my shop any time for FREE Shave !!!
    one Question Though > can i use your video and add my barber shop name on it ? LOL 🙂

  102. Hi Medhi!! I love your blog!!!

    I have a small request!
    Can you create a list of tools and parts to start a mini-crazy engineer lab!!

    Crazy Engineer

  103. Hello mehdi I’m alireza I have 14 years old I live in iran I really love your videos Are you can speak persian If you can please answer to my question Thanks

  104. Dear Everyone,
    I am a saler ,work in a Electronic Compnents Company for 5 months in China, we producing General Purpose Rectifiers,Bridge Rectifiers,Schottky Barrier Rectifiers and SMD Rectifiers,But still now I don’t have any orders,so I am very worried.We opened the aliaba trade site one month ago,but no progress.I really don’t know what can I do.BTW, I want to make friends with guys,it can also improve my english.
    My Phone Number: 8615961143842


  105. My husband and I love your videos. I’m wondering though… What does your wife think of all your videos and projects?

  106. Hi sir i am ur big fan on youtube i am willing to make wireless webcam from old wired webcam for security purposes so please tell me ho do i make this

    i want to consult you about and i have many ideas for you please mail me i am waiting for your mail


  107. Hello,Mr Mehdi.I am a college student and come from China.I thought you are my great teacher in electrical field.However ,your funny and precious video can’t spread into China by YouTube and Facebook,beacause the China Ministry of industry don’t allow browse those web site.Although I still can see the video in some web,I sincerely advise you can use some web,such as weibo ,youku,etc.It’s easy to commuicate in those way.Thanks you for making such funny and meaningful videos.Many chinese students would love them in the future.My English is no so good but thanks your teach,hh.

  108. What would happen if you used a 800,000 Volt Stun gun a shocked a appliance that was plugged into a 110v home outlet.

    The appliance lets say is using 24v 2.5amp from its DC power supply

  109. hey mehdi.s first things first i love your videos but i would also like you to help me make the slayer circuit my 2n2222a transistor keeps heating and soon after blows up and iam not able to make the circuit work my circuit is a 12 volt circuit.should i buy a transistor of different number, please help . your videos are amazing and funny continue to upload more videos .

    • you should check the resistor on the base of the transistor. most transitors need an voltage of 0.6v. if you have more the blow up.

  110. Pingback: Kurioses bei youtube - Seite 99

  111. Pretty component of content. I just stumbled upon your
    web site and in accession capital to say that I acquire actually loved account your blog posts.

    Any way I will be subscribing to your augment and even I achievement you
    get admission to persistently fast.

  112. Hi Mehdi

    I am 14 years old and I´m in love with electrical engeneering, and I watch your vids every day and I really really like them, you mix formal explainings with so nice humor.

    thanks to you i learned how not to burn my ass to the moon and the safety measures I need to take. Dude I love your vids keep on like that you are awesome.

  113. Hello Mehdi, I am a senior year electrical engineering student and i was wondering if you could help me find an idea for my senior project. i really need to be creative and i think you’re the man for the job !

  114. Hey! just wanted to leave a quick comment that I really enjoy your videos. They’re informative and very entertaining, keep up the great work!

  115. Hi,

    I’m in Burnaby and was wondering if I could hire you to help me get more life out of my coast headlamp.

    They advertise battery life to be 3hrs on bright and more than 7 on low.

    I use the headlamp at work (automotive mechanic) but I find that after 1.5hrs that I need to swap the batteries. It’s a pain in the ass to have to constantly swap 3 aaa batteries.

    I’m hoping that with your electronics background, that you might be able to design & integrate a bigger battery pack so that I can use the headset for 3-5hrs at full brightness, without having to recharge. The bigger pack would still need to retain charging capability.

    I love your channel… but play safe!



    • Hi Thomas,

      Sorry I don’t have much extra time for serious work, except for my videos! But PDE.com guys are in Burnaby too, they are my good friends. You can ask them for help if it is a serious project.

  116. Hello,

    We were having a discussion at work regarding the taste of electricity. By putting your tounge on a battery you taste metal when teh current flows through you, but I assume this is the tate of the battery itself.

    Is there any chance you could shed some light on our conundrum?

    • 🙂 I don’t know if that taste is categorized yet! It tastes like ionized saliva mixed with metal and pain!

  117. I have collect few microwave, wash machine for salvage parts

    Watch your video few time, but like to know exact which part I can salvage and how to connect parts to make 120vac to 24vdc converter.

    Could you explain it? Thanks.

  118. DUDE! I JUST FU**ING LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!! You’re like THE COOLEST TEACHER EVEEEEER! But tell me something; did you study at Sharif?? What was your major back then? And please update more videos soon! I wish there were more people like you! Keep up the good work.

  119. I must congratulate you on your approach to many electronics topics. I am an instructor of Electronics at a local Institute of Technology, and since I found your videos, I have been treating my students to the humor and education of your work.
    Thank you for all your effort and knowledge, and please keep up the contributions…they are very much appreciated and respected.

      • Hi sir i am ur big fan on youtube i am willing to make wireless webcam from old wired webcam for security purposes so please tell me ho do i make this

        i want to consult you about and i have many ideas for you please mail me i am waiting for your mail


  120. Hi, I really enjoy your videos and explanations. And a huge thanks for all the things you put on this site. But I would like to give you a suggestion, I am a student and still learning electricity but I am very interested in induction heating. I have read a lot of threads but it would be awesome to hear it from you. If you would make an explanation of it I would be sure to make one at home. Please try an DIY induction heater. Thanks.

  121. Your demos/experiments and comedy are even better than Mythbusters. I can hardly breathe while watching your videos. <3 your Youtube channel!

  122. Hi Mehdi. I am very interested in electricity and would like to know more about it. Like super simple stuff. The use of every component and other things. Is there a place on this website where I can find the basics of electricity?

  123. Hello Mehdi,

    I am an engineering student from the Vancouver area as well. I think that your videos are really well done, hilarious and informative! I wanted to say thanks for making such entertaining videos and putting the time and effort into each one! I would really enjoy seeing a video about the work you do as an electrical engineer. It could talk about some of the different things you do and maybe where you went to university. (Q&A video perhaps). As a student its inspiring to hear from those who are passionate about what they do. You are very talented as an engineer and an entertainer. Thanks!



  124. Hi Mehdi,

    A friend shared your FOOOLL bridge rectifier video with me yesterday and I love it!!! I went ahead and spent all day yesterday watching all your videos – they’re both educational but mostly, hilarious!

    Your “mistakes” remind me of one day when ants infested my DSLR camera. I popped open the flash unit to find that the ants also ate away at the insulation for the flash strobe wires. For some dumb reason, I touched it. “Aaaiighhh!! *Expletive*” I then realized I forgot to take the battery out of the camera. Stupid me. So I took the battery out and then touched it again. “Aaaaiiighh!! *More expletives*” I then figured the camera was demon-possessed so sent it away to a service center. It turns out that the capacitors weren’t discharged even though I took out the battery.

    I’m studying Aircraft Electronics in college now and I think I have a much better idea how electricity, AC and DC, works. Your videos help me get through my Electronics homework. Thanks!

  125. hello mehdi, nice videos ur make..learned a lot in ur video,
    i was just wandering if can this be happen:
    by using the schematics in this website, a field effect transistor(FET) and uses as electric charge detector. then use the electric charge detector to detect lightning discharge by electric interference during lightning storm..
    if i’m not mistaken, this can be use to detect electrical discharge in the air and use a resistor and a voltmeter to record the reading the electrical discharge..
    i just want to hear whats ur opinion about this..
    i would like to built some,but i just cant find the MPF102 Field Effect Transistor (FET) in my country..need some advice from someone expert.

    • It could work, but I would add some more components. A series 820 Ohm resistor with LED to make sure it is current limited and doesn’t kill the transistor, and another one, 1M or more from transistor gate to ground to ensure the transistor discharges and turns off when there is no charge.

    • Experiments and Wikipedia are very good tools. One of the books that I loved was Technique Pulse in electronics. I don’t remember name of my other books from those days.

  126. i have a proposel about a video for inductive coupling. like if i add a very small coil to the end of a small power bulb like we use in decoration lights (not led but bulb), how much power or frequency is required on another coil sitting say 2 inch away to light that bulb, the coil attached to the bulb should be very small like say 30-50 rounds and made up of very small wire.

  127. MEHDI, WE LOVE YOU !!!!!

    Your videos have taught us so much about electricity, and we are not electricians or engineers. You’re super funny, super smart, and a great teacher. I read that you’re an electrical engineering professor, and you’re the best teacher I have ever known about in my life (your personality, your wisdom, your humor, etc.). Please keep making videos, but don’t hurt yourself. 🙂

  128. It’s my honor to see my astute compatriots.
    Dear Mehdi, Hi
    Your fascinating design makes me very surprised, it is clever. And thanks about the clear demonstration.
    By the way, I have something which can be useful.
    Have you heard anything about PFN*?
    * Pulse Forming Network
    I think it can develop the Taser design.
    Check my massage on your
    I write a massage by the title of “Frz Frj” and I’ll be appreciate if you check it and reply me.

  129. I watched your “High Voltage AC/DC Effect on Human Body” video. Thank you for posting it because I didn’t that high voltage of DC can pass across human body without much damage. Keep up the great work.

  130. Please wear safety goggles when exploding things, it’s a good idea and you can show the damage to the lenses after the explosion, very educational. For larger explosions please invest in a full face shield. The slapstick humor is of course excellent but I also really like the more subtle stuff, for example when you changed your brakes you put on gloves which got progressively shredded but you never addressed that. Genius.

  131. Hello from Russia =)
    I’m radiophysicist. And your video is very funny!
    I understand that it’s look like a comedy, but take care of yourself =)
    Thank you!

  132. Mehdi,
    I love your videos! Thank you very much for the entertainment and education!
    P.S. And special thanks to RWJ for introducing me to you 🙂

  133. Without electrocuting yourself, could you explain what 3 phase service, or power is? I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. Love the video’s. Thank you for teaching us all.

  134. The videos and acting are fantastic! When I can see through the tears of my laughter, I actually learn something. The PWM diagram somehow sunk into my memory.

    I have been trying to learn electronics (as a biologist). I am impressed how fast the processors can make measurements. For example, a ultrasonic range detector can make some numerous measurements every second. It might make a humor-filled learning video by setting up a fast moving actuator to test the limits on the speed of measurements.

    BTW, West Coast or East Coast?

  135. Mehdi,

    What do you do for a living? I recently got a job as an Electronics Engineering Tech and I’m loving it!

  136. love your stuff, and you have a cool work place!! one day i wish to be surrounded with stuff like yours…

    some ideas
    Can you show what happens when you reverse the current on a capacitor
    can you pass current through a gas like argon?
    can you over spin a DC motor or AC motor?
    why is 3 phase more efficient? does 477 VAC hurt?
    does water in an isolated container act as a capacitor or resistance and if you have pure h2o is it less or more conductive. (browns gas)
    unfortunately i know the answers to most of these but they could be fun for others.

  137. Dude… Thanks to you I am even more proud to be an geek !!!

    Keep on experimenting in the name of science !!

    Here is a suggestion ….watch an LED go through the different colors of death after applying a voltage above spec !!

    • “The colors of death” on LEDs are very nice.
      So if you just do not have the right colors at hand: overvoltage some red or white ones….

  138. I’ve gotta ask, are those mistakes real or staged for “educational/comedic purposes”?
    I can’t tell if you’re ballsy or dumb.
    A riot either way! Cheers!
    Engineer Hard or Die Trying

    • Of course I am ballsy, who ever admits they are dumb?!
      Well, I know what I am doing (I hope!) and try my best not to hurt myself. So if you can’t tell, it means I am a good actor!

  139. Keep up the awesome work . Your videos are AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! Your videos are fun and educational and good way to learn about physics.You make physics seem interesting and fun. I can’t wait to see more of your crazy physics videos 😀

  140. It’s 3 AM and I almost peed a little watching your videos. I mean, a lot of it is simple “don’t cross wires” stuff but still. I cried a little during the “This is not steve. Wrong number” bit.

    • ba salam va arz khaste nabashid mehdi jan bishtarin meghdar tavani ke tonesti bedon energyhaye rayej be dast biari cheghadr ast?
      can we run bitcoin miner with your advices??

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